Some slides
Sublinear expanders.
Turán densities of tight cycles.
Ascending subgraph decompositions.
Directed cycles with zero weight in \(\mathbb{Z}^k_p\).
Finding monotone patterns.
Digraph immersions.
χ-boundedness of graphs with no cycle with k chords.
An improvement on Łuczak's connected matchings method.
Size-Ramsey numbers of powers of tight paths.
Hypergraphs with no tight cycles.
Monochromatic triangle packings in red-blue graphs.
Finding monotone patterns.
Hypergraph Lagrangians.
Dense induced bipartite subgraphs in triangle-free graphs.
Path partitions of regular graphs.
Monochromatic directed paths in random tournaments.
Directed Ramsey theory.
Monochromatic cycle partitions.